November 2

Hey there.

I hope you're enjoying your cake. I'm back today because I have a plan for November, a little thing called NaBloPoMo. That's right, it's National Blog Posting Month and I've decided to play along by posting something here every weekday all month long.

I'm doing this for a few reasons, the biggest and best being that I think it will be fun. I like it here! Also, I wonder sometimes what it might look like if I were to shake things up a bit, try out some different kinds of posts, take some risks. Just, you know, untether myself from the way I usually fill this space and see what comes out. I'm not exactly sure what that means for the coming month, but I have a few ideas. And hey, is there something that you might like to see here? Something you'd like to discuss? Shoot me an e-mail or leave a note in the comments section, and I'll consider it.

Ready, then? Let's go!