PechaKucha Night: Everybody Eats

Hi, all.

I wanted to stop in today to tell you about a PechaKucha event happening tonight in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The theme of the event is food, and here’s how it works: Nine people who care about food will present for a few minutes about what they do. Each presenter is allowed 20 slides, and 20 seconds per slide to tell his or her story. (The slides advance automatically.) Tonight’s presenters are a fisherman, a sculptor, a photographer, a chef, an activist, a writer, a restaurant owner, a local food organizer, oh, and ME!

The story that I’ll be telling tonight is ours. It’s the story of this blog: how I got sick, lost my everyday, and how this space helped me find it again. How Sweet Amandine helped me find me again. I’ve never talked about this stuff out loud in public before, so I’m pretty nervous. Also, excited!

For the uninitiated: PechaKucha means “chit-chat” in Japanese, and events take place all over the world. The idea behind them is simply to get creative people together and talking. I’ve only ever been to one, but I can tell you that I left feeling inspired.

Tonight’s event will be held at Street 360, 801 Islington St. in Portsmouth, NH. Doors open at 6:00pm, and we’ll begin at 7:00pm. You can find more information about the event and my fellow presenters here.

I know it’s short notice, but if you happen to live in the area, it would be great to see you out there.