
Sweet Amandine turns two today, so I just had to stop by. I want to thank you for being here, for reading, for cooking along, and for all of your kind words and cheers over the last two years. Without you, this little operation would be nowhere near as much fun. Two years is not a very long time at all. I can’t shake the feeling that we’re still at the beginning, that this is still chapter one. I like that.

In 2007, Joan Didion earned the National Book Foundation’s lifetime achievement award. I listened to her acceptance speech a few months ago, and copied down the following words: “We know how to write when we begin. What we learn from doing it is what writing [is] for.” That has been the story of this little blog, and I hope it always will be.

I shared a lot of special meals at a lot of special tables over this last year. Today, I’ve brought some photos of just a few of them. One of the things that I love about the new year – and a blog birthday that, conveniently, falls within the first week of it – is how it inspires me to look backwards and forwards at the same time. On that note, I should mention that there’s some change afoot around here. I’ll be back soon to tell you – and show you – what’s up.

Happy two, friends. I can’t wait for more and more.