Good eggs


It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I had no intention of staying away for two whole weeks. It’s certainly not for lack of stories, I can tell you that. Maybe it’s spring fever. Maybe it’s all of the other writing that I’ve been pumping out as the semester draws to a close. I'm not sure.

So, how about a couple of photographs today?

Last month, Eli and I spent a long weekend in DC with our friends, Eitan and Julia. Highlights of the trip included Julia’s mustardy vinaigrette, the Outwin Boochever Portrait Competition exhibition at the National Gallery, a Saturday morning sit-and-talkathon with Yona and Katie, Eli's brother and almost-sister-in-law, and their dog, Charlie, and Sunday brunch at Bistro du Coin, which is what you’re looking at here. Those were some good eggs.

This week, I’m off to refill the well, or the flour bin, as it were. I’ll be back next week with plenty of dough beneath my nails, stories galore and, I hope, a whole slew of words with which to tell them.

Thanks for bearing with me, friends. See you in a week or so.