a quick hello

Good morning, friends. I just wanted to pop in for a quick hello.

Eli and I are packing up the car this morning and driving to New York to spend the weekend with his family. We've got molasses cookiescherry almond chocolate chunkies, and a pluot cake in tow, and several hours of old This American Life episodes for the ride. Which is not to say that I didn't also pack the requisite changes of underwear, a toothbrush, and a couple of sweaters, pulled just last night from our winter storage bin.

On our way to Eli's parents' house, we'll stop for a visit with my friend Maya, and her two little girls who, their mother reports, have a delightful muffin gnawing habit that tends to kick in when they're at the local zoo, and talking about owls and skinks.

We're just about out the door, but I thought I would leave you with a couple of photographs for the weekend. They're from our Labor Day trip up to the North Shore. It's hard to believe that it was almost a month ago.

We picked apples.


And ate fried things.


Clearly, I was focused on the onion rings. (Forgive me, but a pun that spans two media, photography and the written word? I was powerless to resist. Take a look at this shot big for the full effect.)

No recipe today, but take heart: A sizeable portion of the two pecks of apples that we picked ended up in a very special apple sauce, which I promise to tell you about next week.

Until then, enjoy the weekend. See you back here soon.